Strengthening Community Based Organisations
Strengthening Community Based Organisations
Strengthening and capacitating village and Panchayat level institutions is at the core of every community development initiatives of SACAL. It is ensured that each initiative must be participatory, need based and people centric in nature. Unless people own, control, manage and act towards their own development, community development would be hard to establish. SACAL merely plays the role of a facilitator, while the community themselves take collective action in the struggle for their development.
Therefore, organising, collectivising and mobilising the communities on issues affecting their basic needs, rights, entitlements and livelihoods are prioritised. Village Development Committee (VDC) and its apex Panchayat Development Committee (PDC) are key institutions take collective action at the village and Gram Panchayat level respectively. Other micro institutions such as Self Help Groups (SHG) and Farmers Clubs are there at the village level with specific interests and objectives. These institutions play key roles collectively in ensuring basic services, rights, entitlements and resources critical for community development.