Promotion of Millet and Indigenous Crops
Other Livelihood Interventions
Apart from agriculture, SACAL endeavours other off-farm livelihoods among the landless and resource poor families through promotion of livestock rearing, poultry rearing, mushroom cultivation and bee keeping. The families are selected by the community based organisations such as SHGs and VDCs on the basis of the criteria set by them. Once the beneficiaries are selected unanimously by the village committees, the latter sends a request letter to SACAL for financial and technical assistance. After preliminary discussion with the beneficiaries, SACAL organises necessary capacity building programme for the beneficiaries on respective trades. Once the beneficiaries understand the nuances of their respective livelihood interventions, financial support is channelised through the respective VDCs. The VDC procures necessary goods and items, which is finally given to the beneficiaries. This is not all, the VDC develops a monitoring and evaluation mechanism which is strictly adhered till the beneficiary completes one whole year successfully in the enterprise. Meanwhile SACAL team extends critical support to the beneficiaries through extension services.