To promote 200 SHGs and develop leadership quality among 500 women members to monitor AWC, MDM and community health services
To promote 5 PDC and 40 VDCs to take up collective action on issues pertaining to their lives and livelihoods
Functionalise 50 Schools including Primary and Secondary across 140 villages through VDCs
Enhance household level nutrition among 1000 families through promotion of kitchen garden and mixed cropping
To make provision of safe drinking water and sanitation facilities in 50 villages
To decrease the incidence of Malaria by 50% among children and women
To establish water security in 50 villages through various modes and systems for irrigation and domestic purposes
To enhance the annual income of 500 farmers from Rs 5000 to Rs 15000 through the promotion of ecological farming
To establish food security among 2000 small and marginal farmers from 4 months to 12 months in a year
To secure rights of 30 CFR (Community Forest Right) under Forest Right Act To facilitate, promote and capacitate 30 women group to take up NTFP processing, value addition and marketing on a commercially sustainable mannerTo enhance the annual income of 500 farmers from Rs 5000 to Rs 15000 through the promotion of ecological farming
To establish food security among 2000 small and marginal farmers from 4 months to 12 months in a year
To promote a resilient crop plan in 100 villages as a preparedness measure against climate change and unreliable monsoon spells
To establish a stable and secure food production from agriculture through ecological farming for 2000 small and marginal farmers
To make aware 5000 small and marginal farmers on impacts of climate change, advantages of ecological farmingTo establish food security among 2000 small and marginal farmers from 4 months to 12 months in a year